Now more than ever, spam, phishing attacks, botnets, zombies, and spyware threaten the privacy, security, and productivity of your business. All it takes is one rogue virus, to infect your PC, trash documents and monkey with your address book. What may be worse? With the proper tools, a hacker may even get access and take over your computer! Don't let this happen in your office! Be aware of new virus and malware threats BEFORE they reach your office. Med-IT-Alert™ Services Include:
- E-Mail Notification of Emerging High Priority Viruses
- Instructions on how to clean the virus, if you were infected
- E-Mail support on Anti-Virus software questions/opinions
This notification system is independent of any specific Anti-Virus Software. You will be notified of High Priority Virus threats as they surface, no matter who discovers it first!
To find out more about Med-IT-Alert™, Call Us Today at 855-EXCERTA.